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Delete entries or access codes


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I have a system where the caller has to identify by entering a password sent to his/her mailing address upon request. As soon as the call comes in, the data is entered and retrieved from a text file The problem is I haven't been able to find a way to remove that initial entry from the database automatically so the caller doesn't use it again, it is supposed to be good for one use, on that particular term, so they don't get the wrong or outdated grade.

But the code stays on the text file so the same student can call say...20 times and use the same code, to get the same information.

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Consider having two CSV files. One with a list of valid student numbers, and a second with a list of student numbers already used.


If you're using a CSV plug-in with IVM which can read & write CSV files, you can have the OGM first check that the student number appears in the first CSV file and then check to make sure it doesn't appear in the second file (if it does hang-up/tell user code already used). Then if it checks out ok, go to an OGM that will append the student number to the second CSV file.


The reason I suggest two files is because there isn't any existing interface or plug-in (to my knowledge) that will make it easy for you to dynamically find and remove/edit specific content of a CSV file. Using the two files, you need only use the basic read and write functions and you can also distinguish between an invalid student number and a valid student number that has already been used.

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This is in response to your PM. I have tried everything I can think of to come up with a solution which doesn't require a plug-in. Luckily, I think I've managed to do just that except there is one set-back. This method requires that callers enter their student number twice. I personally suggest that you cover this up by saying "Please confirm your student ID by entering it again" the second time so the request seems purposeful.


Here are the steps (keep in mind this is just a concept, I haven't actually tested this model):

1) Create an OGM that will answer the incoming calls.

2) In this OGM set the key response to data entry

3) Set it to use a pre-made Inclusive list of all valid student numbers to 'limit acceptable values'


4) Create a new OGM (don't forget to set the first OGM to go to the second OGM after the input is accepted)

5) Set the key response to data entry like the first OGM

6) Create a new blank text file in a folder of your choosing

7) Set the OGM to use the blank file you just made as an exclusive limit list


8) In the same (second) OGM, go to the Advanced tab and check 'Add Entry to Special Log'

This will allow you to append student numbers on to the exclusive list

9) In the 'log' field, put the path to the exclusive file and in the 'log line' field enter %variable%,

where %variable% is the variable name for the student number. Be sure to include the comma after %variable%

Note: if IVM is writing to the log file before checking the exclusive list, a new OGM may be required to write the log file afterwords otherwise the number will be added to the exclusive list before the student accessed their details.


10) If all goes well, students will be asked to enter their student ID, IVM then checks to make sure it is valid. Then students are asked to confirm their student ID at which point IVM checks it against an exclusive 'already used list'.. if everything checks out, the ID is written to the exclusive list so it can't be used again and then you can send the student to the OGM that will send the e-mail report.



The other method would be to use a plug-in that would check an external data file (exclusive list) and append the student ID to the file after it has been used.

In the end you'll probably end up having to use a plug-in anyway though in order to send the e-mails.

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