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Help with footpedal and Vista


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My mother is using ExpressScribe in Vista and has been unable to get the footpedal working. She has a serial pedal, which we know as of the last time we checked there was no current serial game port driver available for Vista, but we bought an adapter and while she is able to plug it in, Vista doesn't respond and so in turn she is not able to use the pedal with ExpressScribe in Vista.


Questions -

Have others been able to successfully use a USB wavpedal wiht ExpressScribe in Vista?


Is there something specific that needs to be done to make it work?


I would think that even though she had a serial pedal, she has an adapter converting it to USB, that it Vista should recognize it? Any thoughts?


I will suggest that she just get a USB pedal if others are using that within Vista.


Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have another person who is also using Vista that I will recommend a USB pedal to but just want to make sure others are able to make it work.


Thanks for the help,


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