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I can't burn a CD from a microphone (radio) with NCS ?


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well, you can't burn it live, you'll have to record it and save it then burn it


if you are using VISTA....I can't help you, because no software that I own, will record on vista


the issue remains unsolved.



my onboard recorder that comes with vista don't work, neither does wavepad, nor audacity, nor super mp3 recorder


something is not letting anything record and I don't know what it is yet...





Really? I can't burn a cd from a microphone (xm radio)? How can that be? I'm no computer guy, it's all above my head. I guess I'll go see if I have VISTA.. Does having XP tell "you" anything?

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Really? I can't burn a cd from a microphone (xm radio)? How can that be? I'm no computer guy, it's all above my head. I guess I'll go see if I have VISTA.. Does having XP tell "you" anything?




xp has a control panel you can access


vista has some access


but I can't even locate the SOUNDMAX folder or control panel to check the settings!


I can't find it with this useless as tits on a bull search function in vista


as far as I'm concerned, vista has no search function, it is useless.



I haven't taken the time to call lenovo support


because I wasn't in the mood for all the drama


some techies are not very computer savvy and rely on the help screen they have, and know nothing beyond that.


I had a techie tell me my modem was bad, but it just needed an update!!!!! [ I found out later ]





sorry I can't be of more help.

let us know what u come up with....

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