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Mixpad poor playback quaility as mp3


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I'm pretty new to Mixpad so bear with me please, my issue is that when I save a project in a mp3 format the playback quality through itunes (and ipod) is extremely poor almost in waves, playback through WMP is perfect.

Thank you in advance


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I can't say for sure


but I know ipod has a proprietary mp3 format, and


perhaps the frequency and bitrate you saved at are not compatible.


if you save at a non-standard rate something other than


a full wave or half wave or qtr wave 44.100 - 22.050 - 11025 @ 256 or 128 or 64 or 32


then maybe it just can't "read it " properly




that's my best guess....maybe someone else has a better answer...

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Many thanks for your reply and yes I would agree my next attempted fix would be to reduce done the bit rate

when converting to an mp3, I have the ipod connected to a Russound amp which sends music throughout my

home and the poor quality is very apparent over the various speakers.

WMP can seem to handle the file without any problems so it really is how itunes handles the file.

I shall go and tinker with the rates and will let you know.


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