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Weird anomalies


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ok here's the deal


I'm editing file "A", under "effects", like automatic gain control


and after a cpl minutes of processing, the file that is processed


is not only a completely different file say file "z" , but also the speed changed on it!!!!!!


and it is playing at chipmunk speed, so I must reduce it by 50% before I can Identify the file, which is NOT the file I was working on!!!!


I had no other files open or minimized while doing this normally simple operation to the file.


I've done this operation hundreds of times without any weirdness like this at all.


The only thing that wavepad seemed to do on a semi-regular basis, was freeze up during saving a file where I had to close wavepad


and then reboot it and obviously reopen the file I was working on.


there are two other oddities that may be related...one was an unusual amount of HD space was being used up [ this is recent too ]


and I also got an odd warning about "unauthorized to use a temp file" on the screen that I though was odd. then later [ I figure wavepad uses a temp file in case you wish to "undo" ]


So there must be something screwy with the tempfile messing with the HD size [ a 15mb file was using up 4G of HD space!!! ]



So, I deleted wavepad and reinstalled it and it still screws things up.


I defragged the drive etc and rebooted


about the only thing I CAN do, it to delete advertisements off of radio programs


but using the automatic gain control and the dynamic range compression, which I found quite useful, can no longer be used....:-(



I may have to SAVE all my stuff and do a recovery[ reinstall factory settings ] back to new condition








....I hate vista....

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it was the "working" file in the "c" drive....


I named a new file in the "d" drive and retried the operation and VOILA


it works


tho, I still can't RECORD off the soundcard....with ANYTHING, no software works


I can't record off a microphone either!


I looked all over the properties in the sound and audio device section in vista for clues


I changed a few things around and tested them and then put them back to the original setting


and I still can figure out what is wrong


even the onboard recorder that comes with vista won't record anything!

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  • 3 weeks later...

there seems to be a consistent problem with the default "working" folder


lots of folks reporting weirdness with their recordings


I have no idea why, and it would be nice to hear from nch on this.


BUT the "fix" seems to be as simple as renaming your working folder like I did.


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there seems to be a consistent problem with the default "working" folder


lots of folks reporting weirdness with their recordings


I have no idea why, and it would be nice to hear from nch on this.


BUT the "fix" seems to be as simple as renaming your working folder like I did.


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Instead of waiting until Help Freezes Over (as the old saying goes), might it not be prudent to look for sound editing software that does not have such ongoing difficulties with Vista?


Of course, there is always the alternative of not using Vista, in which case these difficulties disappear :-)


As I recollect, I have suggested this profound alternative here in the past, perhaps before you got here to rediscover the same old problem all over again! In other words, why do you keep using something that you hate?






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Instead of waiting until Help Freezes Over (as the old saying goes), might it not be prudent to look for sound editing software that does not have such ongoing difficulties with Vista?


Of course, there is always the alternative of not using Vista, in which case these difficulties disappear :-)


As I recollect, I have suggested this profound alternative here in the past, perhaps before you got here to rediscover the same old problem all over again! In other words, why do you keep using something that you hate?








I just posted to bump this to the front page, because so many people were commenting about some weirdness, that I FOUND disappeared once I re-named the file and its' location.



I still can't record...but that's a separate issue.


v3.05 wavepad


and speaking of not using vista, I still have other machines with xp, but am not feeling motivated to add them to my cluttered work area... :)

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  • 6 months later...

OMG, Vista! I have the home edition and wished I had kept XP or ordered this new comp with it. I have periodic problems with vista and many other 3rd party software. I learned to either get by or do something else. As far as the recording issue, I went to other (free) software to record voice or what-is-playing, then use wavepad to edit those saved files. Microshaft will do all they can to nearly eliminate what your doing with other software. I have had no problems with wavepad, knock on wood, only that Vista will not show wavepad help files. I learned how to edit on my own.

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