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Is wavepad free or not???


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From what I can tell on this page: http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/ Wavepad sound editor is free (the ordinary version). Yet days after installing this software, it is telling me trial version expired.


So is it free or not? Cos it makes no mention of purchase on that link above.




You're (note the apostrophe and the "e" at the end) welcome. I am always glad to help out with this most difficult question!


Let's see how long it takes you to get a straight answer from NCH (which maintains this forum) to this should-be-simple (but isn't) question. Peeling away the layers of the onion, it all depends upon the meaning of the word "free". As you may not know, this little word has different meanings in different parts of the world :-) This being said, the meaning of this Wonderful! word is very similar in Australia and America. I suspect that the former plagiarized the meaning of this word from the latter. Indeed, America fancies itself the champ in all matters that relate to product Marketeering. Hopefully you will have the stamina to pursue (to the end of the earth) an answer to your question, yet avoid being buried at the world's end--down under. :(




[Al is in Wonderland!]

P.S. I would urge you to read through the WavePad thread entitled "trialperiodexpired" (or something sufficiently close to this)

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From what I can tell on this page: http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/ Wavepad sound editor is free (the ordinary version). Yet days after installing this software, it is telling me trial version expired.


So is it free or not? Cos it makes no mention of purchase on that link above.






It is FREE



it is FREE, to try....

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It is FREE



it is FREE, to try....


It all depends upon what is meant by the word "it".


What "it" does _not_ mean is the performance which was designed into WavePad to perform a specific set of tasks. Although you probably do not know it, this performance is _not_ free for more than a two week period after downloading the program without charge. After two weeks, the performance changes to a less desirable set of features, which lack certain essential features designed into WavePad by its developers. So, while something which may be called "WavePad" is indeed free forever, what the user may think is the original-performance WavePad is _not_ the free version that he is downloading. In my opinion, it is deceptive to call the extendede-time-performance WavePad, when one who purchases a license for the program receives a superior extended performance. Don't get me wrong. I do not expect NCH to give away the same thing he must pay for! What NCH needs to do is to rename the versions and advertise them differently, in order to clear up the confusiion. How many times do I have to explain this?




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ok fine


have it your way



but I doubt they'll do anything, it took them a cpl years to redo the shopping cart so it would accept my cc


it was like trying to move a mule....


So in _your_ opinion, my earlier use of the word "stubborn" to describe NCH's resistance to instituting a much-needed WavePad "marketeering" correction is very appropriate :-) Are we two the people in this entire world that understand this?




[Al is in Wonderland!]

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reminds me of a comment by an eyeglass technician,


[ slowwwwwwwwwwww responses, if any at all, to customers ]


about how a certain LENS company did business.


he said their attitude came from them being the big dog on the block and


folks either dealt with them, or did without.....


[ which can be interpreted as arrogance...ego...place description of choice here ]




maybe this attitude thing...............








is contagious!!! :rolleyes:

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