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this is possible?


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hi all. sorry my bad english. i am italian user. Is possible this in ivm?



inbound calling ------>ivm read caller id ---------------> hang up ( no response)----------- ivm start outbound calling at caller id


help me please.

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Yes, this is called a callback feature.


The best method is to have IVM answer with an OGM which runs a plug-in and provides it with the argument %cid%

The plug-in should then wait for a few seconds and run the IVM.exe executable with -outbound <variable with caller-id number here> as the arguments

Meanwhile the OGM should hang-up the call just after running the plug-in

IVM will then call back the person in a few seconds (using the default outbound OGM) based on the user's caller id number


IVM can do this without a plug-in, but it would mean the call would go out before the person hangs-up (if you had more than 1 line/channel). If you only had 1 line and didn't use the plug-in method, it may still work, but it could also call back too quickly after the caller hangs-up for the call back to work correctly.

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Yes, this is called a callback feature.


The best method is to have IVM answer with an OGM which runs a plug-in and provides it with the argument %cid%

The plug-in should then wait for a few seconds and run the IVM.exe executable with -outbound <variable with caller-id number here> as the arguments

Meanwhile the OGM should hang-up the call just after running the plug-in

IVM will then call back the person in a few seconds (using the default outbound OGM) based on the user's caller id number


IVM can do this without a plug-in, but it would mean the call would go out before the person hangs-up (if you had more than 1 line/channel). If you only had 1 line and didn't use the plug-in method, it may still work, but it could also call back too quickly after the caller hangs-up for the call back to work correctly.



are not very good with plugin. could you please put a concrete example step by step how you can 'do?

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Call-back & Delayed Outbound Call IVM Plug-in



This plug-in will allow you to initiate an outbound call to a phone number after a specified period of time.
You can call a pre-defined number, or have IVM call-back the last caller.

- Number to be called (can be pre-defined or set to the Caller ID)
- The time until the plug-in calls the number (default 10 seconds)
- Whether or not to hide the IVM window when making the call
- The path to the IVM executable (if different to the default)

- In your answer OGM in IVM, go to the Advanced tab and tick "Run Exe or Run IVM Plugin"
- Click the Open Run Exe or Plugin Settings button, followed by the "Add New Exe" button
- Browse and select the plug-in exe file
- Arguments:
No. | Arg. Name | Sample use | Required | Description
1   | Caller #  | %cid%      | YES      | The number to call, use %cid% for callback
2   | Time delay| 100        | NO       | Delay before initiating the call (100 = 10sec)
3   | Hide IVM  | hide       | NO       | Whether to hide IVM (default: no, use hide for yes)
4   | IVM Path  |"C:\ivm.exe"| NO       | Path to IVM exe (default is the default install path)
* Arguments must be in the exact order as shown above
* Use ABC if you wish to skip an argument (use default) but use the next argument
- Click Ok, Close and go back to the main IVM window, test an incoming call

- If using for commercial/business purposes, please donate $10 for each computer you wish to use this plug-in on
use PayPal.com to e-mail the money to pythonpoole@gmail.com
- You may use this plug-in free of charge for testing or personal/home use
- This program is copyright by Benjamin Poole of Scorptek (scorptek.net) © May 2008
- Do not re-distribute without permission (email pythonpoole@gmail.com)


PROBLEM: "ERROR in action number 1 of Alarm Event for alarm0..."
SOLUTION: The IVM path you used was invalid, try again, be sure to include the \ivm.exe

PROBLEM: plug-in quits as soon as it opens / IVM doesn't show evidence of an outbound call
SOLUTION: The number you entered in argument 1 (default is %cid%) was not valid / was empty

PROBLEM: "Failed to initialize drawing surface"
SOLUTION: Update DirectX, reduce video memory usage (lower screen resolution or bit depth if required)

PROBLEM: Time shows as -1 and then program closes
SOLUTION: This is normal behaviour, -1 indicates IVM has already been instructed to call, and the plug-in is closing

ivm@scorptek.net OR pythonpoole@gmail.com

Note: There is a small license fee for business/commercial use (see README)




Download the plug-in here!

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