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change in WAV bit rate options and quality


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A few weeks ago, I downloaded the free (Masters) edition of WavePad. At that time and for some time afterward, I was able to open WAV files from a Zoom H2 recorder, process them, and save them as either an WAV or mp3 file. When I saved them as a WAV file, the indicated (default) bit rate was 1411 kB/s and typical file sizes were about 10 to 20 MB. When I saved them as an mp3 file, the indicated bit rate was 128 kB/s and typical file sizes were 1 to 2 MB. The WAV file was higher quality audio as expected. Recently, I noticed that the file sizes of my saved WAV files were greatly reduced (1 MB or less) and were actually smaller than the corresponding mp3 files I saved and the audio quality of the WAV files was less than that of the mp3 files. The best available bit rate option when I now save as a WAV file is 56 kB/s rather than the former 1411 kB/s. I'd like to know if anyone else has observed this degradation in quality of the saved WAV files.

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A few weeks ago, I downloaded the free (Masters) edition of WavePad. At that time and for some time afterward, I was able to open WAV files from a Zoom H2 recorder, process them, and save them as either an WAV or mp3 file. When I saved them as a WAV file, the indicated (default) bit rate was 1411 kB/s and typical file sizes were about 10 to 20 MB. When I saved them as an mp3 file, the indicated bit rate was 128 kB/s and typical file sizes were 1 to 2 MB. The WAV file was higher quality audio as expected. Recently, I noticed that the file sizes of my saved WAV files were greatly reduced (1 MB or less) and were actually smaller than the corresponding mp3 files I saved and the audio quality of the WAV files was less than that of the mp3 files. The best available bit rate option when I now save as a WAV file is 56 kB/s rather than the former 1411 kB/s. I'd like to know if anyone else has observed this degradation in quality of the saved WAV files.



the only thing I noticed was, the corruption of the default "working" file location for wavepad


once I re-named the file and location, my problems disappeared


if any new weirdness starts creeping in, I'll rename the working folder again





wavepad options;

audio processing;

audio working folder;

clik that button, then name your own folder and partition C: or D:



hope that helps...

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