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Database Access


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After poking around on this forum, I'm still not sure I have the answer to this question. I'm hoping a user out there has some experience with this.


Does the user authentication from database feature work in the trial version? I'm looking this applicaiton over as a possible replacement to our in house software, and I'd like to use our existing SQL database for user management rather that configuring individual Dial Dictate installations. I did what I could to configure it, and the Test button from the Advanced Options page works. However, actually calling in does not. I'm beginning to suspect the feature is disabled in the trial version because I cannot get any user other than the default to work.


It's very strange though, because if I profile the SQL server Dial Dictate runs the following code against it:


declare @p1 int
set @p1=180150003
declare @p3 int
set @p3=8
declare @p4 int
set @p4=1
declare @p5 int
set @p5=1
exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,N'select DialDictateID from DialDictateUsers where Password=''1''',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output
select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5


The first stored proc here returns nothing. However, if you extract the select statement out of it (and take out the extra text qualifiers), it returns the proper value.


select DialDictateID from DialDictateUsers where Password='1'



Maybe I'm just doing something wrong? Any users out there set this up before? I'd like to get this up and working before I start asking management to buy this product.

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After poking around on this forum, I'm still not sure I have the answer to this question. I'm hoping a user out there has some experience with this.


Does the user authentication from database feature work in the trial version? I'm looking this applicaiton over as a possible replacement to our in house software, and I'd like to use our existing SQL database for user management rather that configuring individual Dial Dictate installations. I did what I could to configure it, and the Test button from the Advanced Options page works. However, actually calling in does not. I'm beginning to suspect the feature is disabled in the trial version because I cannot get any user other than the default to work.


It's very strange though, because if I profile the SQL server Dial Dictate runs the following code against it:


declare @p1 int
set @p1=180150003
declare @p3 int
set @p3=8
declare @p4 int
set @p4=1
declare @p5 int
set @p5=1
exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,N'select DialDictateID from DialDictateUsers where Password=''1''',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output
select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5


The first stored proc here returns nothing. However, if you extract the select statement out of it (and take out the extra text qualifiers), it returns the proper value.


select DialDictateID from DialDictateUsers where Password='1'



Maybe I'm just doing something wrong? Any users out there set this up before? I'd like to get this up and working before I start asking management to buy this product.


I don't think this feature will work in the trial version becuase you have no real "users" registered with the system, you have to purchase those. I bought a 1 user license to test the system with before purchasing our site license.


I also tried using the database feature for user IDs and passwords, but you still have to add all the users to the DD system! So, I abandoned that process as it was just 1 more interface to monitor.


To add many users, I wrote a Word macro that created the directories and user.dat files for me from a comma-delimited list. I rarely use the front-end of DD for user management. We use all SIP connections and if you edit a user, it resets all the connections, cutting the dictators off! I do everything on the back end in the Users folder.


I hope this information is helpful.


Jeanie B.

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