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Failed to receive registraiton key


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10th March 2008


On Saturday 9th February I attempted to purchase WavePad which I had download on a trial basis. However, when filling in the form (on which I included by Master Card details) I inadvertently mispelled my email address - I think I accidentally added a z or x to the correct email.


This means that I could not receive the registration key and therefore cannot use the software although NCH has deducted the fee (c. £26.36 sterling) from my mastercard


I have now emailed support four times bringing this to their attention but so far without success. Please could someone respond????


Wavepad is an excellent piece of software and I really would like to use it.


RalphDG (University of Sussex, UK)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest nchgb

You should have received a response by now. We also like to take weekends off, so your email would have been attended to first thing Monday.

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You should have received a response by now. We also like to take weekends off, so your email would have been attended to first thing Monday.


Thanks for your message. This is the first indication I have had since early February that someone pays any attention to my problem. But I have to say that apart from that I haven't received anything from you. No acknowledgement, no registration key, nothing. In my posts on your website support facility I provided you with the necessary information ages ago so when can you let me have the key???


Ralph Grillo

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Guest nchgb

Hmmm strange, it would be worth contacting support again using the following form: www.nch.com.au/support/regcontact.html.


Ensure that you use a valid email address and that all spam/junk mail filters have been disabled, our messages often get caught up there. I'll leave a note in the office here for someone to chase this up on Monday.

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Hmmm strange, it would be worth contacting support again using the following form: www.nch.com.au/support/regcontact.html.


Ensure that you use a valid email address and that all spam/junk mail filters have been disabled, our messages often get caught up there. I'll leave a note in the office here for someone to chase this up on Monday.


Will do. Many thanks


Ralph Grillo

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10th March 2008


On Saturday 9th February I attempted to purchase WavePad which I had download on a trial basis. However, when filling in the form (on which I included by Master Card details) I inadvertently mispelled my email address - I think I accidentally added a z or x to the correct email.


This means that I could not receive the registration key and therefore cannot use the software although NCH has deducted the fee (c. £26.36 sterling) from my mastercard


I have now emailed support four times bringing this to their attention but so far without success. Please could someone respond????


Wavepad is an excellent piece of software and I really would like to use it.


RalphDG (University of Sussex, UK)


You have had a problem simular to mine. It all stems from the fact that NCH are so keen to take your money they provide no opportunity for you to review your purchase and personal details before they take you money.


In my case I didn't notice that THEY had already preselected an item for purchase that I didn't require, cost £100 ish, so I have paid for something I didn't require or choose. I have emailed twice and not even had the courtsey of a reply.


I wouldn't reccommend doing business with these people and I think our chance of getting a reply are slim.



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You have had a problem simular to mine. It all stems from the fact that NCH are so keen to take your money they provide no opportunity for you to review your purchase and personal details before they take you money.


In my case I didn't notice that THEY had already preselected an item for purchase that I didn't require, cost £100 ish, so I have paid for something I didn't require or choose. I have emailed twice and not even had the courtsey of a reply.


I wouldn't reccommend doing business with these people and I think our chance of getting a reply are slim.






Just to note that my problem has been fully resolved, thanks to the help of Allison and Emma at NCH. I have suggested that it might be useful for NCH to be aware, for future reference, what I think went wrong.


The fault was mine at the outset (I put my hand up) as I inadvertly typed in a wrong email address when ordering the software (I clumsily accidentally added one character). I realised this as soon as I submitted the order form, but by then it was too late. I tried to rectify this by immediately sending an email on the support form, with the correct address, but clearly this information was not read into the system, as (I assume) the database retained the wrong address. And I think NCH must have continued using that address for subsequent emails replying to ones I sent via the help forms etc. My own ITS people have found that no NCH messages were received by our server on the relevant dates.


All's well that ends well, but could I suggest that in future the NCH order form (a) insists that the user enters their email address twice (to check that it was entered correctly), and (B) allows the user to review all the information before submission. Other sites do this.


Perhaps I was the only person to make this mistake, but remember Murphy's Law. And I'm not an inexperienced novice. I've been using computers for 25 years.

Anyway, many thanks for your help in sorting matters out.



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Just to note that my problem has been fully resolved, thanks to the help of Allison and Emma at NCH. I have suggested that it might be useful for NCH to be aware, for future reference, what I think went wrong.


The fault was mine at the outset (I put my hand up) as I inadvertly typed in a wrong email address when ordering the software (I clumsily accidentally added one character). I realised this as soon as I submitted the order form, but by then it was too late. I tried to rectify this by immediately sending an email on the support form, with the correct address, but clearly this information was not read into the system, as (I assume) the database retained the wrong address. And I think NCH must have continued using that address for subsequent emails replying to ones I sent via the help forms etc. My own ITS people have found that no NCH messages were received by our server on the relevant dates.


All's well that ends well, but could I suggest that in future the NCH order form (a) insists that the user enters their email address twice (to check that it was entered correctly), and (B) allows the user to review all the information before submission. Other sites do this.


Perhaps I was the only person to make this mistake, but remember Murphy's Law. And I'm not an inexperienced novice. I've been using computers for 25 years.

Anyway, many thanks for your help in sorting matters out.



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  • 4 weeks later...



I'm in the same case :(


I purchased wave Pad sound editor master’s edition on April the 16 or 17... An error message appeared when I validated my buying... Nevertheless, I can see that the money has been deposited... (I can send you a screen capture of my account...). I didn't received any email confirmation OR i unfortunately erased it from Spam (I assume it is possible). Can you send me back the confirmation email (/activation code), in order to use wavepad, please?


Thanks you, Please answer me, I can give you all informations you need!

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