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When will "Speed Change" bug be fixed


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Does anyone have any information on when the speed change bug be fixed? When using the feature, it speeds up the file fine, but inserts silence at the end so that I end up with a file that's as long as the original. In other words, an 18 minute sound file ends up becoming a 6 minute sound file with 12 minutes of silence at the end. I've used the Auto Trim feature, but about 50% of the time it cuts off part of the sounnd file.


This bug is supposed to be fixed in the next release. Does anyone know when that will be?

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  • 3 months later...

don't khold your breath waiting for an answer.



and I never usae auto trim, I just do it by hand...less mistakes






if you haven't done so,

change your working folder location..or rename it to a different partition






wavepad options;

audio processing;

audio working folder;

clik that button, then name your own folder and partition C: or D:



I only say do that because it's possible that the cause of the anomalie, is a corrupted default folder


mine was, I did as shown above, and now all is well.




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