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Lost Mp3 Quality

Gerald S

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I spent all day taking sound files from video, tagging them twice now with title album etc.. Then I would clip the files with wavepad. The first fifty I did I noticed something was awry so I immedialty thought I had screwed up with the video to audio conversion. I tried another batch of fifty, spending hours removing the sound from their vob files then tagging and downloading art etc, finally thinking I couldnt screw up again because all the bittrates succesfully came out at 320 I went to the funnest part, and using wavepad I edited the front and back of the files only to notice once again that the bitrate had dropped to 120 or whatever crappy setting they have set on the program.. Dooooooooooh


Can I change the setting, I looked but could not find any setting for mp3's? Shouldnt some warning have been given that the quality of your files will be irrivoably changed after using the program?



Thanks for your help in advance

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When you select Save As within WavePad, the encoder options screen should appear after you select save. This will allow you to chose what bitrate to use.

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  • 1 month later...
When you select Save As within WavePad, the encoder options screen should appear after you select save. This will allow you to chose what bitrate to use.

And, apparently will apply to every subsequest save function until you change it again. Must make a suggestion for next release for a menu option leading to settings for the various file formats.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And, apparently will apply to every subsequest save function until you change it again. Must make a suggestion for next release for a menu option leading to settings for the various file formats.


I don't know why they didn't think of that the first time. It's the obvious and usual method.

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