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Run OGM or Plugin before answering


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I am running IVM 4.02 with Axon 1.3.


I have people calling in to a voicemail system. This isn't the voicemail system that comes with IVM. I made my own in order to add special features. Essentially what I am trying to do is add a toll-saver feature.


Is there any way to run an OGM or plugin before IVM answers to set how many times it should ring?


Essentially I would use the caller id to see if they have new messages. If they do, then I would have the system pick up after 2 rings, if not, then after 4 rings. Can this be done in IVM or Axon?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I could of sworn IVM had a registry key for the number of rings, but I can't find it now. Perhaps it was in an older version of the software (although I see you are using 4.02, so it may have the key if you look).


Other than that I can't think of a way of modifiying the number of rings, except for having two IVM project files saved (including the ring setting), one for each number of rings you want. Then you can force IVM to load that project file by executing something like IVM.exe myIVR2rings.ivr -on (ask for more details on how to do this or see the SDK page). You can then switch between the two IVR files depending on how mhttp://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8195&st=0&gopid=19216

Complete Editany rings you want.

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