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Wavepad ate my irreplaceable .mp3 file


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Had about an hour of .mp3 all edited and was in the process of saving it under the same name in Windows 98se. Then, at some point, the system froze and when I rebooted, the file size is marked as 0 and nothing will open and the file is apparently gone. I tried a recovery program, but what it wants to find is a file of size 0, which is no help. Am if screwed or what? Had no idea that in the course of editing this program would destroy the files it was attending to. Someone, please help because I need this item.

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Because you were writing to the same filename, Windows basically deleted the original file so it could store the new one. Now as your system froze when WavePad was attempting to save the file, it likely failed which is why the 0 byte file remains. You may have some luck recovering the file with Recuva... but I'm not certain. We don't make this particular software so we're unable to provide support for it.

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