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Everything posted by tomm

  1. Had about an hour of .mp3 all edited and was in the process of saving it under the same name in Windows 98se. Then, at some point, the system froze and when I rebooted, the file size is marked as 0 and nothing will open and the file is apparently gone. I tried a recovery program, but what it wants to find is a file of size 0, which is no help. Am if screwed or what? Had no idea that in the course of editing this program would destroy the files it was attending to. Someone, please help because I need this item.
  2. Like Newbie, when I uninstalled the free version (before I paid good money for a program that is not working consistently), I lost a whole directory with hours of converted, edited files. Hateful. Yes, I did hear from Tech Support, which I AM PAYING FOR. The man said to download a file called mp3el.exe because "this should fix the problem." Which it might have done if it had worked on the version of Windoze I am using, a version for which the paid software is supposed to work. So that suggestion failed. What did work was to re-install. Only... now when I convert a .ra file to .mp3, either one at a time or by batch processor, it often SAYS it is saving the file after the conversion, but is lying. I can convert the file. I can see the green waves across my screen. I can edit them. Sometimes when I blow them up for a more detailed look, it blows them up some more all on its own, but they can be seen. They can be edited. I can tell the file is there because I can listen to it. And then when I hit SAVE, the preserved file is either 1KB or 17KBs in size and has effectively vanished. Where did it all go? It took just as long to save as usual, only it's all gone up in smoke. These are hour-long files so this result is just wrong. Even if the renaming method that is suggested below actually works, that means each file must be converted and saved individually and that the batch processing feature is useless. ==== here is the latest message in this thread before my unhappy reply. ==== Ok, first let me say, I almost created the name 'Audio Idiot' as my user id. Perhaps I should have; I'm very much a beginner; and in my case, the solution was very simple. For my problem, it was as simple as clicking 'Save As' and then completely deleting and renaming the file in the file name box. When I clicked 'save as' before, I left the original file name in the file name box and just clicked save in the directory where I wanted the new files stored. That was my problem, because the original file name included the .wma extension of the original file. Once I actually looked at that and realized what I had done, I deleted the original file name extension (.wma) from that file name box and renamed the file without the extension, it saved it as a mp3 file without any problem. I'm not sure if that will help in your situation, but good luck with your problem.
  3. As of this moment, it says 41 people have looked at this. Are they all as ignorant as I am? Seems unlikely. But to be clear: The program will not open an existing .mp3 file and resave it in the same format. It has some major problem with .mp3s apparently that it did not have previous because, until a couple of days before I purchased this thing, it was happily converting .ra to .mp3 for me. Now it does not. Tech support has yet to answer. Is this problem really absolutely unique to me? Suppose there is any help in the allegedly downloadable $$US 9 Silver Support something or other that seems to have been added without comment or download instructions to my original purchase or is that, like a .pdf manual, too much to hope for?
  4. The exact error message after file conversion, when I attempt to save into an empty directory, is this (where I've substituted generic info after having tried several directories: Unable to create file "C:\Directory&path\filename.mp3" for saving.
  5. Purchased and Registered and it still claims "unable to create .mp3 file. Why not? What am I doing wrong? More important: how do I fix this so I CAN conver .wav and .ra files to .mp3 for editing and playing?
  6. Have been using wavepad on w98se to convert .ra files to .mp3 and to edit them. Suddenly, it has stopped saving the converted, edited files. Says it is unable to do so. Just tried to batch process some conversions and even before editing it could not save the file, which seems to be a different problem from taking an existing .mp3 file, editing it, and then trying to Save or Save As. Something must have changed. The free version used to do this for me. Is it the lack of license? Is it something else? Did I download the pay version after the great Hard Drive Crash of Winter '06 and THAT is the problem? Because there's no sense upgrading to the pay version if it ain't gonna work, so I need to know what is happening before I do anything further. As it is, and slow as the conversion and saving processes are, some edited files have been saved in wav format and still need to be converted to .mp3. This is certainly one of those idiotic problems solved by the equivalent of "plug it in" or "turn it on" but it's sure frustrating and discouraging so I hope someone will take pity and offer help promptly.
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