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Does Express Scribe work with Vista???


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The latest versions of Express Scribe are fully compatible with Vista. Ensure you get this version directly from our site. What troubles were you having?

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  • 3 months later...
The latest versions of Express Scribe are fully compatible with Vista. Ensure you get this version directly from our site. What troubles were you having?


I've been having the same problem - a new MT with my service is using Vista and cannot play .wav files - they will not open - they will load, but will not play. I have tried downloading the suggested codecs, but am not sure if I have the right one.


Please help before she gives up in frustration! Three of us have spent 12 hours on this nonsense!!


And as well, the .dss files are still cut off in Express Scribe - this has been an ongoing problem for 3 years now that I know of and all .dss files have to be checked in a .dss player first to confirm length because Express scribe will CUT THEM OFF at times. (makes doctors very angry when their dictations are 1/2 done and the MT doesn't even realize it!!) Coincidence had it that we had a file cut off right between patients and there was no way to know that it had been cut off!!

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I am using Express Scribe with Windows Vista. Files that are too big will play only to a certain point, approximately 35 MB (estimate). The files I was getting were 669,598 KB in size. When we split the files in half, each one played fine and I was able to transcribe them. It's also easier to proof this way, I think. If anyone knows how to adjust the file size that Express Scribe can handle, let us know. Thanks. :lol:

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I've been having the same problem - a new MT with my service is using Vista and cannot play .wav files - they will not open - they will load, but will not play. I have tried downloading the suggested codecs, but am not sure if I have the right one.

Try right-clicking on the file and seeing if in any of the tabs it can tell you what codec to get. Or simply ask the person sending you the WAVs to use a different format. There are some codecs that were unfortunately not installed by default with Vista. This was a decision by Microsoft and was completely out of our control.


I am using Express Scribe with Windows Vista. Files that are too big will play only to a certain point, approximately 35 MB (estimate). The files I was getting were 669,598 KB in size. When we split the files in half, each one played fine and I was able to transcribe them. It's also easier to proof this way, I think. If anyone knows how to adjust the file size that Express Scribe can handle, let us know. Thanks. :lol:

Check how much free space you have on your C:\ drive. The audio must first be decoded, which can result in large temporary files. If the audio is long enough, these files may become too large for the actual operating/file system to handle (which we can't control!). We're working on a solution, but it may be a little while yet. Simply splitting the files up into smaller durations is a good workaround.

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