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I hope someone can help me quick. I'm supposed to be working right now but I can't! I downloaded the newest version of Express Scribe, and I use hot keys to work instead of a foot pedal. On the old version that I had, the hot keys would work even if I minimized the express scribe or had it in the background. Now, they won't. The hopt keys are configured the same, but they will not work unless I first click on the Express Scribe so that it is "highlighted". I have it floating above other windows and that doesn't help. I have the mini window, and that doesn't help. The hot keys will only work if I first click on express scribe. I can't work this way. Please help!



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Can you please try clearing the global hotkey entries within Express Scribe, restart the program and then restoring the default configuration? Try adding your own global hotkey and see if the program is able to pick this up. It may be that you have another program running which is interfering with Express Scribe's access to global hotkeys.

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