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ES Won't Delete Audio Files


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Has anyone experienced this problem? When I'm finished with an audio, I click "Done" and ES just puts the Duration/Time to 00:00 but doesn't remove the audio file from the list.


I've also tried using "Delete," but the same thing happens. Then a bit later, I get a pop-up window from ES that says something like: "This file has a time of 00:00 so it will be removed from the list" but the file never gets removed.


This has been happening, as far as I can remember, with both versions 4.14 and 4.15.


Any suggestions/advice? Pretty soon my list will be too long and I won't be able to load new audios! :o


Thank you!!


~ TeeNee

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Dictation files that are currently loaded in Express Scribe are kept in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\[windows username]\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\Scribe\Current. What you will have to do is go to the Current folder, identify the file causing the problem, and delete it.

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