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Is there a key for "Play"


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Can I set up a key or function key to activate "Play" instead of moving the cursor over to the play arrow? I DID discover that the "Delete" key works like the "cut" editing feature.


Try reading the Help file! That's what such files are for. The answer is right there, within easy view and just a slight bit of effort. So why ask other users to do what _you_ should be doing?




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I use 3.05. Go to --> Tools --> Wave Pad Options --> Keys --> Add (pick any key / key combination) and follow through using common sense.


In this way I use the x key for "stop", the z key for play, the ctrl - x for cut, the a for amplify (selection) (it will ask for a percentage first) and the s key for silence (selection).


Also, after recording my speech from the book i am reading (study) i use the g key for a lot of sequential actions. It filters noise, trims silences, inserts a sound bite at the end, adds 3 seconds of nothing at the end...


You have to be a registered user though. So pay first! :P


(By the way can some one working at WavePad's company try to contact me, I have some stuff I would like to suggest for the next version).

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