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Eliminating sections of a video


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Hello my friends, Greetings from Colombia. I have just downloaded this Videopad mainly to separate in several sections the Betamax tapes I have lasting each about 2-3 hours with several home videos. I want to separate each different video, for example, my daughter's birthday, my mom's invitation etc. in order to make a separate chapter of each happening. Can you please tell me how to do this? I have already converted my Beta tapes to digital and they are on my hard drive.

Thank you very much


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There are various approaches, depending upon the result desired.  One way...

Import all birthday clips (for example) to the bin (top-left), then arrange them on the sequence.  Export the sequence.  That creates a file to play in any viewer.

Before exiting, SAVE the sequence for protection and possible further editing.  Saves become a VPJ file, which when opened will restore the sequence in Videopad.

Now do the same for Mom's invitation, etc.  SAVE under a new name.

Alternatively, import all files and create separate sequences for your categories.  Each sequence can be exported individually or en masse via FILE|EXPORT ALL SEQUENCES.

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Thank you very much for your reply but I'm afraid that I wasn't clear enough. Let me try to explain what I want to do:

I've just fully digitized a Betamax cassette.. The results show over three hours of different videos, birthdays, Mom, model airplane flying etc. all in one long digitized video. What I want to do is separate each of these chapters, let's call them as such. and keep them each in a separate folder. To do this, I have to cut at the beginning of each chapter and when it ends. Take this cut section from the original 2 hour video and send it to a separate folder. Continue to do this with the rest of chapters which are all in one single beta tape. I hope I am now clear with my explanation.  I appreciate your help.   Eduardo


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Three hours of content can get clunky.  You may want to import smaller sections at a time.

Right-click on the content and COPY.  Then right-click in an open area of the bin and click PASTE clip.  Now you have a duplicate.  Leave the master as is.

Click the PV focus to the duplicate, move the preview pointer to the IN point and, under the PV window, SET START.

Move the pointer to the OUT point and SET ENDimage.png

That trimmed clip can then be placed on the timeline.  Each clip made similarly from a duplicate can be given its own sequence, if desired.

So each becomes a separate file in the bin, incrementally numbered (1), (2), etc.  They can be renamed with a right-click | RENAME.

When the project is Saved,  launching the VPJ file will restore the project and those files.

They are not, however, separately stored on the PC.  You must export the sequences in order to accomplish that.

As noted above, sequences can be exported individually or via via FILE|EXPORT ALL SEQUENCES.

The result is that each event will be a playable file - likely an mp4.

VP is non-destructive.  It never alters the source files on the PC.

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The bin is where files are imported, prior to being placed on the timeline...    image.png

There are tabs above for the specific file types - Videos, Audio, Images.  And when there is more than one sequence a Sequence tab will appear as well.

To create new sequences click the + sign to the right of the Sequence 1 tab above timeline.

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