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Inventoria linked to Express Account but..


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I have successfully linked Inventoria to Express Account. It shows Inventory in Express Account, but it does not show suppliers or purchase orders. To successfully enter inentory I have to order through Inventoria, but I need the Purchase Orders and the suppliers in Express Account to pay the suppliers and show the expense in Accounting. There is no way to export from either software only import. And if I have to double enter, than the purchase of these programs do not make sense.

I have read almost all posts here back to 2015. It looks like nobody else has this problem, since I could not find anything here. Can please sombody tell me how I get this to work and I need a solution fast. It is Tax time soon and have still so much to enter. 

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Hi, Express Accounts will only synchronized the items from Inventoria, no other information. Also, have in mind that Express Accounts reads the information that is in Inventoria, not the other way around, Inventoria will not read information from Express Accounts. 

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