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No Audio - Inbound or Outbound


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Hello, I have setup the PBX System along with the IVR/IVM and I have gotten my calls to connect for outbound and inbound calling. However when the call connects I have NO AUDIO from either side.


I have the following ports open to the following computers on my router:


Phone Server = Computer which is running PBX and IVM.


My PC = My Laptop Computer connected wirelessly through my router.


Port - Computer


81 - Phone Server

82 - Phone Server

4463-60000 - Phone Server

5072-5080 - My PC

9000-9020 - My PC

6600 - My PC

4569 - Phone Server

5004-5082 - Phone Server

10000-10500 - Phone Server


I'm not sure why the inbound & outbound audio would not be working. Do you have any ideas?


I have opened all of these ports above for the following computers listed and I still have no luck. Any suggestions would be greatly recommended, as I can not get ANY audio at all, however the calls connect prefectly.




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