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Please help me open the program


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I would really appreciate some help. The trial version message (that my time is up) is reappearing after I open WavePad. Your suggestions have not worked. Can I start over? Please? Or extend the Key Id # and registration info, whatever it is, so I can get the program to function again. I bought it a year ago. I'm happy to upgrade for Vista, if that's what I need to do, but I have not recieved instructions from the download, so not sure I need it.


Kathe Gogolewski kgogolewski@sbcglobal.net


Okay. I purchased Wavpad about a year ago and recently started receiving a message that my trial version had ended, even though I'd been using the program for a year. Then, the message disappeared and I was able to use the program, but I couldn't record. I'd click on the record button the same way I always have, but nothing happened. So, I downloaded the trial version of RecordPad Sound Recorder, and still could not record with it. Next, I returned to WavPad, and the cursed trial version message is back. You have verified by email that I purchased the program a year ago, but will not give me the Key Id and registration number. Yes, I should have saved it, and if I'd known I was going to have so many problems, I would have. But I didn't. Could you extend a little good will and give me the Key ID number so I can at least make the trial version message disappear???? Then, I'd like to solve the problem about why I cannot record.


Kathe Gogolewski

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