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Whice License?


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Well unfortunately you can't mix and match your options, you have to purchase one of 4 available predefined licenses, which means you'll probably end up paying for features you don't need, or pay a little less and end up with less features than you do need.


We can ignore the number of lines needed because the other features you want will require a license that supports multiple lines, so that's an added bonus anyway.


In terms of unlimited mail boxes, the only license that offers that is the enterprise one. It's a lot more expensive than the others (mostly because of the number of lines it offers (64)) and if you're on a budget, it probably isn't suitable.


The professional license, if my memory serves correctly, supports 30 mailboxes. This is an ample amount in most cases. It also has full functionality. It does have a limit on 70 OGMS but that chances of running out with that many is minimal.


The other licenses aren't really suitable for your requests.


In summary, unless you need more than 30 mail boxes, the professional license is your best option.

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