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Crashes on mp3 to m4a conversion


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Switch, both Free and Plus, crashes if I try to convert .mp3 to .m4a.

There comes up a window "Saving Audio File" for about 15 seconds. But suddenly - bang - Switch is away.

Same to .aac.


I have tried with different settings. The conversion to .m4a and .aac always fails.


.m4a to .mp3 converts very well.


The installed aacenc-component has 43.7 KB.



OS X 10.4.8



The aacenc.crash.log:


Host Name: G5

Date/Time: 2007-01-07 00:46:27.070 +0100

OS Version: 10.4.8 (Build 8L127)

Report Version: 4


Command: aacenc

Path: /Library/Application Support/NCH Swift Sound/Components/aacenc

Parent: Switch [1277]


Version: ??? (???)


PID: 1278

Thread: Unknown


Link (dyld) error:


Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libfaac.0.dylib

Referenced from: /Library/Application Support/NCH Swift Sound/Components/aacenc

Reason: image not found





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After searching for "aacenc" in this forum I have found that the problem is an old one.

It has been told in July 2006 the first time: http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?show...0&hl=aacenc


So if the problem couldn't be solved yet, will it be solved in a few weeks?

Or do I have to look for another tool to convert .mp3 to .aac/.m4a?




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My problem is similar...

I converted some M4A files succesfully in MP3 at first, thx, wonderfull.

But after I tried it with my iTunes working, nothing is possible anymore.

Switch v 1.11 crashes under Windows XP SP2 Professional... :(

Do you know something about this?

Or is it because my switch is free?

Can you help me? thx


The windows error msg is:

aacdec.exe hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden.

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I had the same problem. mp3 to aac or m4a. always crashed switch. I tried a batch convert with the free version of NHC wave pad. worked great. when converted files were played. aac would not play on iTunes instead it played on quick time. However iTunes accepted m4a and called the format unprotected aac. Anyway I hope this works for you. -janeannford

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