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WMA to MP3 questions


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Mp3 Encoder: I've read that variable rate is the best way to go, with max. 192 and min. around 112 being a good start. What does the "Quality" number do to the conversion? Is there a particualr quality number that will go well with this setting?


My WMA files have track#-song, artist, album, date, duration, and file info. The converted mp3 file only has track#-name, and file info. So songs will not load into libraries correctly. What to do?


Will it reduce "save time" if Switch is installed on same drive as songs to convert? I am converting songs from an exteral HD, and seems to take long time to convert (but not too bad).


Great software if the album ifo will come through!

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1) quality reflects how closely the vbr goes to the min/max values. e.g. a quality in the middle somewhere means the rate will generally hover right in the middle between the min and max. a low quality means it the rate stick closer to the min. a high quality means the rate sticks closert to the max


2) we dont support reading tags from wma files just yet.


3) yes there will be some time saved if the files are on the same drive as switch.

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