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convert a 20 kbits file off the net and turn it into at least CD quality


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1st time here, peoples so go easy on me. Can this program burn/record live strean from any source on the net. if so, i have been attempting to do this for the past few days now with no success. if not Im attempting to convert a 20 kbits file off the net and turn it into at least CD quality, it says it has converted to Cd quality when i convert or 320 kbits, but when i burn it off to a CD and play in my Cd player it still sounds like its 20kbts. any ideas????? :angry:

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it is not possible to increase the quality of an audio file, especially not to the magnitude you want. if you save the file with a higher bit rate that doesn't really do much, all it does is takes the existing low-quality 20kbit file and "maps" it out to a 320kbit file of the same quality. it cannot produce the required extra high quality information because it simply does not exist. you could probably imagine a higher quality version of the audio in your head, but a computer is nowhere near as smart as the human brain when it comes to something like this.

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