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Investment Transaction


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1.  How to create a debit transaction from a Banking Account to an Investment Account?  And, if possible, what kind of Category should it be if I am not able to add a new category, only a sub-category?
2. Is there a way to have Banking Accounts listed out in alphabetical order?
3. Are there any additional features when migration over from a free version to a purchased license?
4. Is there an option for filtering out transactions (or reports) by a specific category or payee?
Thank you.




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For listing Banking Accounts alphabetically, look in your settings or account management section—sometimes there’s a sorting option there.

Upgrading from a free version to a purchased license often brings extra features like more reporting options or advanced analytics.

As for filtering transactions or reports, many apps have a filter option in the reports section or settings where you can select by category or payee.

By the way, I once had a similar issue when switching my forex trading platform. A friend recommended www.forexflexea.com, and it turned out to be incredibly helpful. It might be worth checking out if you’re into trading too.

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