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[Mac version] Localization??


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Hi All,


I couldn't find any proper contact information on the site, so I decided to post here.

I discovered Switch today and rather liked the application. I noticed that the app was not localized in any language other than English. I took a look at the ressources and was quickly convinced that it wouldn't be too hard to localize, so I just made a localization for French for the MacOS X version of Switch. If the authors are interested, they can contact me or post here :) .


Everything seems fine, though the name for the buttons under the toolbars are not accessible for localization (that's rather minor IMVHO).

The Help is also in a central position and cannot be localized.

There actually seems to be a problem with the Help. I can't load it from the application itself (it always loads blank). Looking again at the structure of the ressources of the app, I can see that it doesn't follow the classic structure of Help files in MacOS X and there doesn't seem to be any "helpindex". That might explain the problem :huh:

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Exactly same thing: I just finished a french translation of Switch, but the app is obviously not prepared for localization.

No localizable.strings file, files not tin the locale lproj folder, windows titles not translated, etc.

The result is a mix between languages...


Let's hope the next release will be ready for localization.



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Exactly same thing: I just finished a french translation of Switch, but the app is obviously not prepared for localization.

No localizable.strings file, files not tin the locale lproj folder, windows titles not translated, etc.

The result is a mix between languages...


Let's hope the next release will be ready for localization.





It's sad we both localized for the same language though :(

I wish I had known before (though it didn't take me too long so there is nothing to regret).


In any case, localizing the current files is not a waste of time either since it can be reused for future versions.



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if you're really interested in doing a localization in french for Switch mac then feel free to contact me and I will forward your request to the relevant persons. off the top of my head, i believe translators may be financially compensated for their time as well (don't quote me on that though!)

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