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Hello, maybe someone can help me, i baught Photopad and i have a problem with editing my photos, here Rotate them.


I open a photo and choose rotate by 90°, on the screen it does rotate by 90°, I did safe the picture and after i reopen the new saved picture it was the same as it was before rotating.

the picture was still the old one, not the one i did rotate and saved. (Sorry i am not a native english speaking person)



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How to rotate an Image using PhotoPad

1) Click on the'New' button on the 'File' tab.
2) The New Blank Image window appears.
3) After selecting page size presets click on 'Ok'.
4) Then go to the 'File' tab. and click on 'Open'
5) Choose an image to open.
6) On the 'Edit' tab, click on the 'Rotate' button at the extreme right.

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