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VOB file size


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No limit.  Install this version.  For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

If problems persist, please share the file here and someone will check it out.  Upload it to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum.  When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."

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I want to thank you for your quick reply. I'm still having problems but still researching. I converted my VOB file to a MP4 and I can see the missing content. I tried to pull the file into a different video editing software and now a different section of the video is missing. I'm perplexed but still working on it. I may take you up on your idea to load it to a free server. I have to figure out how to do that.

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Thank you for your quick reply. I did load the file to Google Drive. The VOB file is 38 minutes in Google. When I pull it into VideoPad, it turns into 16 minutes. I did upgrade to the new version that you provided but it didn't make a difference. Here is the link


Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again.

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Thanks for sharing.  The file downloaded at 22:24,   as confirmed by Media Info...   image.png

Earlier VP versions list it as 22:24;  recent releases say it's 16:22, yet the final scene appears to be the same abbreviated content in both.  In various media players, the end scene is different - three folks sitting on a couch, laughing.

Another editor loads the file with a duration of 54:31 with video frozen at the 38-minute mark for the balance.  At that point the scene matches what's shown in media players.

So it appears that the file is in some manner non-standard, which isn't unheard of with VOB legacy material.

Please leave your link live for several days and stay tuned to this thread for further analysis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No word as yet on the status of the file.  Its length and content are all over the board in various players and editors, as you noted in another NLE.

All over the board in tests here, as reported above -  anywhere from 16 to 54 minutes in length, while MediaInfo reports it to be 22 minutes.

Did you simply load it into VP directly from a DVD?  If possible, come up with another method of obtaining the VOB.

Did your mp4 converted VOB load fully into VP?  If so, that may be the way to go.

Or play it in a viewer that renders it correctly and use Debut capture software or the like to make a screen recording.  Time consuming, but as shown in my demo, the resulting file will have integrity.

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I don't understand all that you wrote. I did load the VOB file from a DVD. I don't know how else to do it.  I don't have a converter program and tried a few free ones. The free ones converted the VOB file into several MP4 files which did fully load but had watermarks on them so I didn't like it. I haven't tried this Debut capture software you mention. I will as the last resort although it seems like this is a problem with VideoPad. Thanks.

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Thanks for the Debut intro. I'm surprised you are not convinced this is a VP problem. To me, a video editing software must be able to handle video clips. I understand you may say that the file is unstable but it does load to Google just fine. Also, the file partially loads to VP so VP can recognize the file but for some reason, it doesn't fully register it.

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No apologies, but no perfection.^_^ 

You mentioned earlier:  "I tried to pull the file into a different video editing software and now a different section of the video is missing."

Developers examined the file extensively.  Bottom line:  the VOB is corrupt, and working around it could result in other issues.

Your best bet may be screen recording, which can capture an mp4 that VP can handle well with no discernible quality loss.

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