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How to Change Order Status


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I really like the software, but I'm hoping there's a way to either change or track an order status as it moves from ordered to invoiced. Is that possible? All my orders show status as Open, even though some have been invoiced and some invoices paid. Or can I manually change the order status somehow? This is actually an important aspect of my workflow. If I can't see the order status in a list of orders, I have to manually look at each list of orders and invoices to see which have been invoiced, which takes a lot more time.

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For existing invoices, it'd be easier to start from the invoice list and sort it from unpaid to paid by clicking the Status tab. Select the Invoice in question from the Invoice list> Apply payment and you should see the status changes to paid for fully paid transactions but if this is not the case, best to send a support ticket here so you are assisted better: https://www.nch.com.au/support/supportcontact.html


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