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Cinepak By Radius

Sandies Dad

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I'm using Mirillis 'Action' to record game footage from my PC and the software encodes  the footage to a .MP4 file. I then bring that file into the excellent VideoPad (version 11.45) and make a few basic edits. Nothing fancy, no transitions or effects, just a bit off the beginning and a bit off the end to get what I want.

I then export the edited footage to a .AVI file using VideoPad's own Cinepak By Radius codec. (I'll explain shortly) I then have to input that file into AVS4YOU's Video Converter and encode it once more using AVS4YOU's version of Cinepak By Radius. (I know, what a palaver, bear with me) That means that the final footage has been encoded 3 times in all, and each time losing a bit of quality.

The reason I need the final footage to be a .AVI file encoded with AVS4YOU's version of Cinepak By Radius is because I'm using an old piece of programming software that I use to program simple 2D games for the grandchildren, and this program has a built in movie object that only plays specific movie files and is very choosy. (i.e. It won't play VideoPad's Cinepak export.) As a result of lots of experimentation, the only files it will play, with acceptable quality, are AVI files encoded using the Cinepak By Radius version used by AVS4YOU.

So, as there seems to be different versions of the Cinepak By Radius codec, and probably because of the age of my software I suspect its using an earlier version, I was wondering if it's possible that VideoPad could include the same version of Cinepak that AVS4YOU use, thereby allowing me to export a usable, good quality .AVI file directly from VideoPad that the movie object will play, without the necessity to use AVS4YOU's software?

A strange request I know, and unfortunately I'm too old in the tooth now to start changing and learning new software, so I'm stuck with what I have. So if you can't help, then I quite understand. Thank you.

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To limit quality degradation, try exporting LOSSLESS from Videopad to an mp4, then import that to AVS for the conversion.

With re-encoding there are many compression settings available for mp4, including inputting a custom #.  Perhaps the movie object will handle one of them.  image.png

File your suggestion here...  https://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/index.html?software=VideoPad&version=11.45

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Thank you for your swift reply Borate.

I have tried your suggestion and indeed a lossless export prior to conversion does help the quality of the final footage - so thank you for that. I have also experimented with other settings of the .avi export but the movie object just won't play them. However, the quality of the final footage using your lossless export is well good enough for my usage, so I'll make do with that and thank you for your help. I will also file my suggestion to the link you provided. Once again thank you very much. 

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