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effective compression/conversion settings .dvf....

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Okay so I just d/led this.. no problems at all so far.. I have a sony DVoiceR and am trying to convert the .dvf's from meetings last night to other formats so others can listen to them.


I tried converting to .mp3 and it produced a HUGE file. I was using default settings, although I think I added CRC for error control.


Then I tried converting to .ogg vorbis.. still it created a file about or over twice the original file size.


I so far have recorded my audio on the ICD-P320 at high quality.


What are optimum (or at least reasonable) settings and file formats for a conversion ? I don't really want to lose quality as these recordings are going to be kept in perpetuity.. but I also need the files to be playable on all platforms (windows, mac OS X, *nix although *nix is not really important right now as we have no *nix users except myself) and I need the file sizes to be reasonable. It's already bad enough that our longer recordings are already too big to upload to our storage site.



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dvf files converted to other formats, especially at high quality, will always produce much larger file sizes. that is the nature of the dvf format itself, it compresses quite heavily.


if you are just recording voice you can first convert to PCM wave 16-bit 8000Hz mono, and then after that you can convert to mp3, that may produce a smaller file.


if you are having problems with files that are too big to upload, also consider using our new program "Slice" which can split the file for you (as long as its an mp3 file). get it at http://www.nch.com.au/splitter/index.html .

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