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Adding a clip and shuffling all existing clips to the right


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I have created a 10 minute video with hundreds of clips and many different unlinked audio clips. Now I feel that one of my titles does not have enough space. I want to extend that clip, and move everything to the right of it on the sequence, further to the right, to make more space. How do I do this? I want to be able to adjust all my titles in this way and add some time to them. 

I have tried selecting all clips with shift and moving them but it is just not practical and I cannot do this with the audio clips. 

Please help, this project has taken many hours and this should be a simple task that other video editors can handle.

I guess what I am looking for is like a Delete Ripple, but I want an insert ripple.

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If your insert at a split point, the clip will drop in and ripple those to the right.  Position the cursor at the split, right-click the bin clip, PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR, or drag it there.

If you insert in the middle of an existing clip, that clip will be split and ripple clips at its right.

To drag a group of clips to the right, click the first clip, hold down <shift>, click the last clip.  Drag. Leaves a gap.  If the clips snap, hold down <alt> while dragging.

The same applies to text or audio clips.

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