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Horizontal Video, cropping/overlay problem


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im about to loose my mind on this.

im trying to edit a video to fit in a horizontal medium, such as tiktok f.e.

And im trying to overlay a portion of one video on top of the other video.

So basically: VIDEO1, is 16:9, and i want to capture middle of it in a 9:16 format. So far so good. (used the Change aspect ratio, crop center, 9:16)

VIDEO2 is also 16:9, and i want to crop a portion of that video, that is in the right side of the view. (its the camera portion of a videogame stream)

i then want to place that camera in the middle, and on top of the first video, this is where the problem starts.

The software starts to fit my 16:9 cropped video to a 9:16 size (including the cropped off parts) which results in the video being distorted and resized.

i've tried scaling, positioning, etc, and i can get the cropped area to the right place but because of the resizing it looks like crap with VERY low res.

what am i missing here, i should be able to crop a portion of a clip and then easily position on top of another right?

This seems to become a problem when working towards horizontal video or maybe an aspect ration transformation overall.

BR Anders

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What version of Videopad is being used?

16:9 #1 was center-cropped and placed on track one.

16:9 #2 had its right side cropped (the walrus), the POSITION effect was used to center it, then it was placed on track two.


Seems right.  If the aspect ratio of track one image was not cropped, then the track two image would be larger.  Version 8.63.

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i downloaded yesterday,  so it should have been the newest version, but today i downgraded to 8.45. same results.

Sorry, i was unable to embed the images, hopefully these links work:

Im trying to take this:


and make to this: ex2


but i get this: ex3

or if i scale it: ex4

from the start i thaught i had it.. but when rendering the overlay dissapeard, so i thaught there were some issues where the preview and export differd, so i started searching that, but then i realized the only way for me to even get the overlay visible on export was to change the sequence preivew aspect ratio box to  9:16, then i was able to put things where the belonged, but also then my whole vid2 got scaled to fit the 9:16 (including the cropped off part) wich shrinks my crop to tiny.

Thanks for taking your time.

BR Anders


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i did this now:

new project

add videofile that is 16:9 to video track 1

add another videofile that is 16:9 to track 2

on sequence preview i have chosen 9:16 aspect ratio(i dont se any other way to determine how big the video is?)

use zoom effect to desired size on vid 1, so far so good.

as soon as i choose position or scale effect on vid 2, it resizes the video to fit the preview and it becomes blurry

i managed with a work-around now:

first move the video uncropped, to the corret position, an then crop it.

but if i try to change the position again, it resizes and becomes tiny 😕


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1.  16:9 to track one

2.  16:9 to track two

3.  Add ZOOM effect with 9:16 aspect ratio preset to track 1  image.png

4.  Use CROP if needed, and/or SCALE effect to size and position track 2.  The "16x9" here is a very low-res insert, and it looks clean.



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Suggest that you first set the preview aspect ratio setting to Match Monitor.

Then enable dual preview, under OPTIONS | GENERAL.

When the VIEW icon is shown under the preview window, click its chevron to confirm it's displaying clip and background.   Two 16:9 stills were used here...

ZOOM into the desired area of track one (bird at the right).  Choose the 9:16 presetAfter the effects box is closed this is the result.

track one zoom.jpg

Switch to track-two effects, CROP and POSITION the desired area.  Alternatively, use ZOOM, then the SCALE effect to size and position.

track two crop and position.jpg

The export will be the same as what's shown in the sequence preview window.

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