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Paid Version asking for key


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Hey Guys,

I'm in a mad rush so trying this forum in hopes someone see this sooner. Feel free to delete the post.

I got a popup I have never seen before inviting me to update and get bug fixes. I did not intend to upgrade version and buy a whole new license. Obviously I knew i could buy that on my own when I wanted. I thought this was for bug fixes for MY version.  So now Im sitting here in v 8.x and was perfectly happy with what I had in v7.  I already bought this in the past as well as other nch products.  It's noncommercial use. I need you guys to toss a new key at me so I can get back to work here. 

Appreciate it! - Bill

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Yea that's a bullsheet gotcha move. Don't prompt be to invalidate my current program while I'm using it.  Imagine if Windows XP said there were updates and then gave you Windows 10 and locked you out with a bill?    I don't have time for this. 

And its not like I'm trying to get over on you guys. Ive been editing kids basketball games with the same 3 edit functions on win 10 for years.

Why in the world would you offer me a totally new purchase inside the program I already paid for and was in use??

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VP does not lock out users or invalidate your registration.  It may prompt an encouragement to update (for new features).  You're not obligated to upgrade.

One version can be installed at any one time.  If the licensed version is installed it will work indefinitely.  Re-register it if necessary.

If you want to test a newer version, it will be a trial - unlicensed, of course - with some limitations.

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You are over-explaining why you do it. Who cares about that. 

HOW you kicked me off my project by "prompting" me to update "bug fixes" so you could get a new sale is 100% bullshat. Bug fixes are not new versions. 

This is how short sighted companies do business... quick sale now and pissed off user for life. 

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Rarely does a company person stop by here.  Most who help are users, just like yourself.

VP does not kick folks off a project.  The prompt is an invite to try a newer version, with improvements and, no doubt, a few bugs.^_^

If you've been using your licensed version for years, then it will continue to work as it has... and apparently it's been doing the job for you.

If you don't care to update, don't.  If you do, pay - or run an unlicensed version.

If your original registration code has been lost or no longer works with your purchased version then that is a problem.  Contact the company via the link above.

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