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Videos not exporting in full?


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Help!  I've been using Videopad for the last year or so, first using barely any features and slowly improving as I see the usefulness for more features in my videos.

It's always been great although I do sometimes reboot this Win10 PC (which I bought last year deliberately to use editing videos for YouTube), after a lengthy edit session -prior to exporting (to clear caches etc).
Today however, I have a 37 minute video to export and it keeps 'finishing' the export between 25 minutes and thirty-odd minutes in.  The first few times I thought perhaps the PC had gone to sleep (nope), or had been interrupted accidentally by me (nope).  I'm now sitting at my PC doing some work on Chrome, with the 'Export Queue' dialog box churning away in the left corner, and it stopped prematurely AGAIN.

No error messages, so everything looks ok, but the resulting file is cut short.

I'm using v8.12, bought through my business (I'm self-employed anyway).

Cheers. Russ

...ah bugger it just died AGAIN (as I was about to submit this post), but this time says "Failed" ... with no explanation???

I just did an update check, now have upgraded to v8.28, so I'll start it running again and go get some fresh air (albeit avoiding everybody by at least 2m, the joys of social isolation...) 🙄 

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What is the resolution of the bulk of the content - 2K, 4K?  If 4K, lower export res to 2K or HD (1080) and try again.  Try an AVI export, instead of Mp4.

If you share your project here or in private someone will check it out and likely come up with a fix.  It's not difficult to do, and takes but a few minutes.


Here's how...  http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/

If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM).  Click the envelope above.  It won't be passed on or retained.
Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.

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  • borate changed the title to Videos not exporting in full?

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