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Default Tax


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When I import a csv file with my data the TAX always shows as "Default". I have been unabble to find a way to import the data so that the TAX clum shows as GST. I have gone to the options tab and chaged the settings on the Tax tab to always be GST. Tried to re-import the data and it is still showing as Default. I even tried to add a field to the import diagloue box - BUT that is not an option allowed by Copper. Then I tried adding a clum in the csv file that was blank and then tried to import it - still shows as Default - I then tried adding GST to a coulm in the csv saved and re-imported - still NOTHING - to say this is frustrating and time consuming to go through each and every item when there are 100000's of entries to corecct is an understatement.... ANY SUGGESTIONS?????



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