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Dropping frames in 23.976 fps rendered hd file still not fixed


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I reported this bug more than year ago cause it prevented me to use videopad, it drops frames in rendered video, happens when im using effects like fade at the beginning of the video clips, for example when i fade in then it drops frames but when i fade out then it doesnt, so there has to be something wrong when outputting to renderer when using effects because everything is fine if i dont use any effects, files are without dropped frames, i thought someone looked into it but its still unfixed in version 3:12

You cant add effects like fade between clips or zoom cause it drops frames terribly, displaying the same frame twice , dropping next ones etc. its not useable really, should be removed so people dont waste time using it and then realizing that it ruined video smoothness because in preview its fine but after rendering its really bad.

It doesnt drop frames when im using virtualdub fade effect at the beginning which is very weird cause it drops frames using native fade effect, i think cause its not frame based like virtualdub one but time/seconds based .


Im using files recorded by canon dslr h.264 in 23.976 fps, you can try them yourself , try to slap some fade effect between clips or change some colours then render in detected format then NOT enjoy dropped frames.


Can you implement custom aspect ratio cropmarks, just simple overlay lines on top and bottom of video ?

Can i see video dimensions when im using crop function? currently i have no clue whats the crop factor, it doesnt tell me aspect ratio when i use crop and doesnt tell me frame size, i crop the size to 2:20 aspect ratio which is about 1920x864 and i render in that size but what i get is 1920x1200 size , looks like it doesnt really crop at all and just slaps black borders to 4:3 frame ? How can i force my own aspect ratio of 2:35 or 2:20 ? Now if i set force ratio to none then it forces 4:3 anyway and i get 1920x1200...


I dont think its even possible to crop from 1920x1080 to 1920x864 without black bars in version 3.12 but it was possible using crop effect in older version without green keyframe + , when i use crop then it should display when im on 1920x864,865,866 etc like in old version of videopad, not just some percentage that tells me nothing and its there only for asthetic purposes.


Yeah its not possible now to crop to custom aspect ratio at all, program is forcing aspect ratios adding black bars wasting codec bandwidth.... so its forced 16:9 or forced 4:3 Please add other aspect ratios because now crop function is not functional at all and adds black bars, dont use percentage and use frame sizes ive never heard of cropping to 50%, who says that? You always crop to desired aspect ratios or frame sizes.


That fade in issue is really serious problem i believe theres timing bug somewhere cause once the effect is not active then it stops dropping frames but when i use effects like fade, or position etc. in new or old versions then it drops frames.

I can edit files without using fade effects but im limited, it would be nice if virtualdub effects would update preview automatically without need to press "preview" button after every tweak cause its killing me and its time consuming, now i have to memorize numbers and settings.



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