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can't use & in youtube upload


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This is part of the error message I'm getting. I think this means I can't have the symbol "&" in the title. (It is in the title and in the description so it may be both places)


<internalReason>The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity


I can't get rid of it in the title because it is part of our band name. I can work around it by letting videopad convert the file to .flv and then go to youtube and upload it that way but I'm afraid I'm losing quality as it seemed to be very degraded. Also I want to be able to do this the easy way. Any suggestions?

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I answered my own question. I took out the "&" before uploading and it uploaded successfully. Then I went into video manager on YouTube and just editted the title and the description and put the &'s back. Maybe somebody else will need this info one day...


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To use the & character in HTML and XML (which is what the YouTube API uses to upload videos), you need to write & instead. So, if you want your video's title to be "Foo & Bar" then you should write "Foo & Bar".


I'll see if this can be done automatically by future versions of VideoPad.



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