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No WP record aft Delta 1010lt Driver update


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I have been using Wave Pad [VERSION 4.52] for some time without any issues to record audio in both MP3 and Wav file formats.


Recently I needed to add Reaper for various reasons #1 being I needed reverb but Reaper would not work at all with the older M-Audio Delta 1010LT driver. Even though I saw Mixer output I could never get audio to the sound card.


Per instructions from the Reaper Forum, I updated the M-Audio Delta 1010LT driver to the latest version and Shazzam everything worked until I tried to record using Wave Pad.


In the Wave Pad dialog box for record options I see all the various Delta 1/2, 3/4... pairs (I am outputting on 3/4),Multi, Delta Monitor,SPDIF, ASIO4ALL(not using this but it is there), M-Audio Delta ASIO.


I have tried each one without any success. Wave Pad playback does work on existing files using Delta 3/4 as my output options.


Any suggestions on getting Wave Pad to play nice with the latest M-Audio drivers? NOTE: Even though I will need to have Reaper running, I have tried all the options with reaper shut down. Reaper is set up to send the output of its mixer to Delta 3/4.


This is a Win XP Pro PC w/4 gig Ram

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Per NCH I upgraded to the latest version but that made matters worse.


Wave Pad crashed when attempting to select M-Audio ASIO for Record input. Now, because that option is selected, I can no longer even select Record without Wave Pad crashing.



I have been using Wave Pad [VERSION 4.52] for some time without any issues to record audio in both MP3 and Wav file formats.


Recently I needed to add Reaper for various reasons #1 being I needed reverb but Reaper would not work at all with the older M-Audio Delta 1010LT driver. Even though I saw Mixer output I could never get audio to the sound card.


Per instructions from the Reaper Forum, I updated the M-Audio Delta 1010LT driver to the latest version and Shazzam everything worked until I tried to record using Wave Pad.


In the Wave Pad dialog box for record options I see all the various Delta 1/2, 3/4... pairs (I am outputting on 3/4),Multi, Delta Monitor,SPDIF, ASIO4ALL(not using this but it is there), M-Audio Delta ASIO.


I have tried each one without any success. Wave Pad playback does work on existing files using Delta 3/4 as my output options.


Any suggestions on getting Wave Pad to play nice with the latest M-Audio drivers? NOTE: Even though I will need to have Reaper running, I have tried all the options with reaper shut down. Reaper is set up to send the output of its mixer to Delta 3/4.


This is a Win XP Pro PC w/4 gig Ram

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If this is the response NCH thinks is appropriate, I will steer clear of all other NCH products and suggest to anyone who asks to avoid them.


Not only no responses from the user's forum but submittals to NCH technical support have gone completely unanswered.


To not be able to fix the problem is one thing but to totally ignore customers who have PAID for a product show NCH to be unworthy of my money.


The only thing I have received from NCH is more advertising for other products. FAT CHANCE.



Per NCH I upgraded to the latest version but that made matters worse.


Wave Pad crashed when attempting to select M-Audio ASIO for Record input. Now, because that option is selected, I can no longer even select Record without Wave Pad crashing.

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