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Adjusting Volume in Wavepad


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Hi. I collect rare old 45s and convert them to digital files. These are then organized into iTunes playlists for burning onto CDs. My problem is that these records sometimes play back at wildly varying volumes. I have tried a couple of lightweight sound editors to raise the volume of the fainter tracks, but can't get these anywhere near up to the desired volume without massive clipping. Is there a way around this in Wavepad that anyone can recommend? Or another app that will do the trick?


I'm on an iMac running OS 10.6.7. I tried the iTunes "Sound Check" option to even the playback volume on burned CDs--it actually made everything worse.


Would be very grateful for someone with a solution.



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How do you digitize the records? Are you are using Golden Records?

I have my stereo hooked up to an audio interface that connects to my computer via usb.

The input volume controls on my interface (Lexicon Alpha) allow me to easily adjust the volume of each channel prior to recording.

I have had good experience with both Golden Records and WavePad and perhaps I can help, although I use a pc to work with audio files, and don’t know much about iTunes!

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Thanks for your reply. I have a friend who digitizes them and gives them to me as remastered .wav files. I have the audacity sound editor, but the using the "amplify" function causes serious clipping pretty quickly. So I need to know if WavePad can boost the volumes of these files by, say, 50% without the clipping.


Thank You.

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I think it is best to set the levels correctly during the recording/digitizing stage.


I did some tests amplifying files in WavePad with good results, but there may be other factors with your situation that I cannot really duplicate.


Have you actually tried to amplify a file with WavePad? The software can be downloaded for free, and then you can do some experimenting yourself.

I use the program to clean up and edit all my digitized recordings of lps before burning to cd. Works great!


Best of luck.

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