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Making One Track from Several


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I'm not sure if this is proper forum for my question, but I figured it was since I'm sure what I need to do can be accomplished by this software. Anyway, I have some CDs I had to purchase for a music appreciation class, and at the end of the semester, I believe I have to turn these in. I want to copy some of these songs before I have to get rid of them. None of the songs on these CDs are just one track. In other words, something like the 1st movement from Beethoven's 5th Symphony is 6 different tracks broken down into segments of 45 seconds to 2 1/2 minutes each. I want to make this all one fluid track. I know I can simply add each track to the end of the previous one, but this leaves short gaps in between, and pops when I try to cut out the gaps. Is there any easier way to do this? Thank you!

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  • 9 months later...

you grab your sequential files, copy them, then working from the numbered copies


you'll minimize all but two, either cut or copy [ your option ] the 2nd file


at the end of the 1st file, so now you have part one and two back to back


continue that for the remaining tracks/sections you are consolidating.


save the file by using the file tab, not the save file icon and rename it


so as to find it later.


now, reopen it, and go to the end of each back to back section and magnify


that particular portion of the file....where there's most likely a GAP,


until you can now see the gap between the files....and use your own judgment


to delete the GAP for a smooth transition....it's an art form.


you may want to practice on just two or three gaps prior to doing the whole thing,


so you get the hang of deleting that portion the way you need it!

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