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Uninstall NCH "Mailbase"


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:lol: I have spend endless precious hours trying to get rid of the (insert 7 letter word starting with F, ending with G) NCH- "mailbase". I tried every suggestion I could find. Nothing works. Every time I boot my computer this infernal MailBase is the first thing I see. I am really sorry I downloaded NCH's free version. The free download not only installed MailBase but also another 8 unsolicited programs. There is no way I can find any affective support from NCH. NCH offers support that has to be purchased for US$ 32.95 and that includes a disclaimer that even if a NCH professional can not solve your problem, there will be no refund of the purchase price for the support.

I am desperate to get rid of the NCH programs. I am pisst.

If you can help me I would be overjoyed and grateful.

As soon as I learn how to, I will start a blog for everybody to be wary and warned of NCH's incompetent methods.


The controle panel-uninstall gives you the message

"Windows can not access the specified devise, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item"


As I said I have wasted untold precious hours in vane. Everytime I boot my computer "MailBase" pops up.This is extremly frustrating.

Disgusted, Manfred

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