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new (for me) wma file problem


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The NCH products I have handle WMA files but sometimes have trouble with WMA. In the case described below two WMA files were OK for Windows Media Player and the Olympus DSS Player but would not load completely in the NCH applications: WavePad and Switch Sound File Converter. Details Follow:


I have the following software and version:


v 3.05

Unlicensed Basic Free Version


I have been using it very successfully to access the .wma files that my Olympus voice recorder produces in meetings with my wife's chemotherapy doctor. I edit them and create more compressed versions to review and email to my sons. The software works great and has been working this way for more than a year.


Today however when I loaded two .wma files from the recorder they were both much shorter than the original files are.


Here is the detail for the files:



Record Time: 06:48:17.00


188 MB (193,311 KB)

(WavePad Loads from start to: 00:02:29.12)



Record Time: 11:11:16.00


310 MB (317,830 KB)

(Wavepad Loads from start to: 04:25:28.75)


In both cases the loaded file portions loaded work normally.


Loading to WavePad a .wma file from a previous month to check it out, I still get the full file length loaded as before:





170 MB

(WavePad loads from start to: 06:08:02.33)


Windows Media Player sees and plays the full length of all (three) files so it must be something WavePad doesn't like about the two newest .wma files that WMP tolerates.


I downloaded the NCH Switch Sound File Converter and obtained the same truncated results that I did with WavePad.


I hope to edit these two new files in WavePad so if there is anything I can do to make them compatible, I would appreciate any advice.



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The NCH products I have handle WMA files but sometimes have trouble with WMA. In the case described below two WMA files were OK for Windows Media Player and the Olympus DSS Player but would not load completely in the NCH applications: WavePad and Switch Sound File Converter. Details Follow:


I have the following software and version:


v 3.05

Unlicensed Basic Free Version


I have been using it very successfully to access the .wma files that my Olympus voice recorder produces in meetings with my wife's chemotherapy doctor. I edit them and create more compressed versions to review and email to my sons. The software works great and has been working this way for more than a year.


Today however when I loaded two .wma files from the recorder they were both much shorter than the original files are.


Here is the detail for the files:



Record Time: 06:48:17.00


188 MB (193,311 KB)

(WavePad Loads from start to: 00:02:29.12)



Record Time: 11:11:16.00


310 MB (317,830 KB)

(Wavepad Loads from start to: 04:25:28.75)


In both cases the loaded file portions loaded work normally.


Loading to WavePad a .wma file from a previous month to check it out, I still get the full file length loaded as before:





170 MB

(WavePad loads from start to: 06:08:02.33)


Windows Media Player sees and plays the full length of all (three) files so it must be something WavePad doesn't like about the two newest .wma files that WMP tolerates.


I downloaded the NCH Switch Sound File Converter and obtained the same truncated results that I did with WavePad.


I hope to edit these two new files in WavePad so if there is anything I can do to make them compatible, I would appreciate any advice.




You really don't need switch for that!!!


You may just need to reload 3.05 [ my first one too ]


Then make sure you have all the converter files for wavepad [ don't ask why they don't include it....I have no idea why ]


I don't have a link for that, but if I stumble upon them [ it takes a bit of searching to find some stuff ] I'll post a link for you!!!!



Could you email me that version? I lost mine to a sewage backup and would love a copy!!!!!


To email, just clik name/profile , on left side scroll down...

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You may want to rename your set up exe of wavepad [ 3.05 ] in interests of not confusing it with the newer version as they do not name their builds and that way you'll know which is which if you decide to go back .


Then download the free version, 4.24 , and try that one.


You may have exceeded it's capacity, but I'm not sure


Another thing would be to use a different WORKING file


I know there WAS an issue with it before that cleared up


after renaming the working file.



I hope this helps



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You may want to rename your set up exe of wavepad [ 3.05 ] in interests of not confusing it with the newer version as they do not name their builds and that way you'll know which is which if you decide to go back .


Then download the free version, 4.24 , and try that one.


You may have exceeded it's capacity, but I'm not sure


Another thing would be to use a different WORKING file


I know there WAS an issue with it before that cleared up


after renaming the working file.



I hope this helps




Just to clarify: When you said "you may have exceeded it's capacity" what do you mean? Do you mean there may be a limit on how much the program can be used since installation? Or do you mean that I may have tried to load a WMA file that was too big?

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