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Free version expired - how do I stop the activation screen appearing?


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Hi there


WavePad was recommended to me over in the Cakewalk Forums so I decided to give the 'free' version a go.


My 'trial' period expired about six weeks ago but every ten or so times I boot up my PC I'm faced with the Activation/Upgrade/Purchase window which loads automatically.


I decided not to purchase the product and I'd be grateful if anyone could explain to me how to stop this nag screen appearing - I've uninstalled the trial version of WavePad using Add/Remove programs but I'm obviously missing something.


Another seemingly connected problem is that occasionally when using my recording software/hardware (Cakewalk SONAR 8 + Line 6 TonePort UX2) WavePad (or whatever NCH software is still on my PC) disables my ASIO drivers and leaves SONAR hanging and unable to open. I have to reboot my PC and lo and behold, up pops the WavePad nag screen - I clear this and then I'm able to reassign my drivers in SONAR.


I've contacted both Cakewalk's and Line 6's Technical Support departments with all the details and both suggest NCH is the culprit.


I'm not here to bad-mouth the company or the product and I'm certain that the rather nasty side-effect the software is having on my PC is unintentional and not envisaged by the NCH software designers. However, the correlation between the nag-screen and the disabling of my audio drivers is proven - I'm sure NCH wouldn't wish this upon anyone who just wants to run the trial version of their software.


Can somebody please explain how I can remove all trace of NCH software from my PC.


Many thanks



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I've been evaluating the free version for some time and waiting for the "paid-for" price to come down.

In my opinion the free trial version has gone from almost completely trouble-free and great to a complete glitchy PITA.

I don't understand how NCH can allo such a glitchy free version to promote their "paid-for" app.


I have not run into similar issues with drivers on other apps but the nag screen now comes up immediately upon loading the free version (and then, what's the point?)

I have managed to get the free version to run but record levels and saving are very weird now...much more glitchy than they used to be.

I'm signing off and finding something else.

Good luck.

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I've been evaluating the free version for some time and waiting for the "paid-for" price to come down.

In my opinion the free trial version has gone from almost completely trouble-free and great to a complete glitchy PITA.

I don't understand how NCH can allo such a glitchy free version to promote their "paid-for" app.


I have not run into similar issues with drivers on other apps but the nag screen now comes up immediately upon loading the free version (and then, what's the point?)

I have managed to get the free version to run but record levels and saving are very weird now...much more glitchy than they used to be.

I'm signing off and finding something else.

Good luck.


Apparently you haven't yet heard.


Despite that ancient American saying, the best things in life are not free :-)




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Guest MichaelJee



1- After uninstalling from the Add / Remove, can you please check that nothing still resides at >> C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\WavePad

If so, please let me know, as I cannot replicate this on my machine.


2 - Click Start > Run > “msconfig” and check if WavePad is still there in the start up, remove if so.


3 – Make sure that nothing to do with WavePad exisits at >> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

And >> C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup




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1- After uninstalling from the Add / Remove, can you please check that nothing still resides at >> C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\WavePad

If so, please let me know, as I cannot replicate this on my machine.


2 - Click Start > Run > “msconfig” and check if WavePad is still there in the start up, remove if so.


3 – Make sure that nothing to do with WavePad exisits at >> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

And >> C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup




Thanks 'M' - that worked perfectly, thanks for taking the time to reply, it's appreciated.



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Guest MichaelJee



Glad it helped. Use this method for controlling all applications that attempt to insert themselves into your system boot up, as well as services.




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