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Wavepad deleting entire files


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I have been digitizing a bunch of old vinyl and trying to eliminate some of the vinyl noise and getting some results. Considering the 'pro' version to use the click and pop tools that would probably do a better job, but ......

The past couple of days anytime I do anything even as simple as cut 2 seconds at the start and add two seconds at the start I end up with an empty file.


I've looked at every save setting I can find and unable to understand where it all goes. Needless to say I am not doing any editing at this point, only getting to digital.

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I have been digitizing a bunch of old vinyl and trying to eliminate some of the vinyl noise and getting some results. Considering the 'pro' version to use the click and pop tools that would probably do a better job, but ......

The past couple of days anytime I do anything even as simple as cut 2 seconds at the start and add two seconds at the start I end up with an empty file.


I've looked at every save setting I can find and unable to understand where it all goes. Needless to say I am not doing any editing at this point, only getting to digital.




I am a newbie myself with WavePad and Golden Records, but I think it might be that you are not selecting the entire edited recording before saving. The recording should appear in blue if selected. Press Ctrl-A to highlight everything after you have completed your editing, (the entire thing should become blue) and then select Save. It has always worked for me. Hope this is of some help. Have a great day.




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