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MP3 to MP3 cut short

Guest tt

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I tried to convert CBR MP3 to VRB MP3 using Switch (8-64 kbps) Unlicensed basic free version, but it cut about 1:10 min to 13:30 min short, and in one instance 30sec too long. Any ideas?

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I tried to convert CBR MP3 to VRB MP3 using Switch (8-64 kbps) Unlicensed basic free version, but it cut about 1:10 min to 13:30 min short, and in one instance 30sec too long. Any ideas?


I meant of course that the VRB MP3 was set to 8-64 kbps... (Joint stereo, No CRC, no Quality ;)

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I know there are problems with specific MP3 files, but we don't know what the problem is ourselves. If you have an example mp3 file that doesn't work, feel free to send it to me at tj[at]nch.com.au and that will help me get to the bottom of the problem.

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I know there are problems with specific MP3 files, but we don't know what the problem is ourselves. If you have an example mp3 file that doesn't work, feel free to send it to me at tj[at]nch.com.au and that will help me get to the bottom of the problem.


Hi! Thanx for the quick reply!

However, the files are huge, and I don't have means to deliver them by email, but

2 of them can be found here (mostly in Finnish, but the files can be found at the middle. I'll remove them on Friday.).

Thank you again!



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I don't see any problems - in both cases the converted files were the exact same length as the original files!


i.e. the first converted file was 28:58, the second was 22:42.




It shows the same lenght at least in Win XP File manager (or something like that), but when I listen open them in Adobe Audition [the program that we used to record the originals], I see [hear] the difference - example 1 is about 26:03 (the speech is cut, the original have it all) and the second 20:30 (it ends with different man's voice).


... OK, I tested them on Win Media Player, and they was ok. So, the problem seems to be in AA, not in Switch..


Thank you anyway, and sorry about the trouble! :o

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  • 1 year later...

I'm having a similar problem with Switch (Plus) V1.05 free download. (The window shows Switch Plus but the Help About shows Switch V1.05)


I am trying to convert a 192 kbps mp3 to another 128 kbps mp3. Here is some data:


Original file: 3220 KB, play time 4:56

Converted file: 2145 KB, play time 2:17


I'm using WMP 9.0 to play back the files, the converted file plays back ok, shows that it is 128 kbps but only plays for 2:17. System is XP Pro.


I used another program 'BeLight' which uses the Lame encoder and am experiencing the same issue.


I will purchase your software if this can be made to work. Thanks



An update. It appears the original file is the problem, it was an MP3 from around 2001. I just downloaded another 192kbps file that was 3:44 long and this file converted perfectly. So nevermind.

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