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  1. I've found out how to replicate the autobackstep problem, and an apparent (but annoying) solution. Let's say I have a bookmark set at 15 minutes into the file and the counter is at 0:00 when I leave the file. If I start playing the file from 0:00 autobackstep works. If I open the bookmark list and go to the previously set bookmark and start playing with the foot pedal, autobackstep doesn't work. If I immediately close ES and restart it, I'm still at the same point in the file, and autobackstep once again is working. For me the problem seems to appear if I set a bookmark and then either continue playing the file, move to another part of the file, or jump to another file, autobackstep stops working. Restarting ES seems to fix the problem, but only until I once again set a bookmark and then continue playback of the file. Hopefully this will give you enough information to replicate the problem at your end. Tom
  2. Actually, at the moment so am I... I've just made another discovery. Let's say I have one file in the top half of the main window and I've been working on it. I can click into the lower panel and make notes, and when I return to the file, the counter returns to the proper location. I can close ES and reopen it, and pick up right where I left off. However, if I click just below the highlighted file (causing it to become unhighlighted), the counter resets to zero. If I click on the file name again to highlight it once again, the counter remains at 0:00. I know in 4.01 that I could move from one file to another without losing my place in either file. Tom
  3. I decided to give Express Scribe 4.12 another go, and this time the results were even worse than they were before. Previously the autobackstep on stop ceased working whenever I deleted a bookmark, but now I've discovered that it stops working as soon as a bookmark is ADDED. What's worse is, the only way autobackstep works at all is if I uninstall the program completely and then reinstall it. Refreshing the installation does not work.
  4. Well, you were right - I lost all my settings, and the problem returned as soon as I *deleted* a bookmark. I did a screen capture of the bookmark list before I uninstalled, and autobackstep worked fine as long as I was adding bookmarks. As soon as I deleted one, however, autobackstep stopped working and I can't get it to work again. I'm going back to 4.01. Tom
  5. I've been using ES for some time (v4.02) and today discovered and installed v4.12. All was well until I set a bookmark. From that moment on, I have been unable to get Auto-Backstep on Stop to work, no matter what setting I give it. In v4.02 I had it set for 3000ms and that has worked flawlessly. The same setting in 4.12 does not work, and has not worked since I started using bookmarks. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Tom
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